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Customer Testimonials

I got my teeth whitening done at your office. Very professional and great customer service. I love my teeth and I like to keep them white. Thanks Davinci for your great products and service. I refer you to all my friends and family.

Derrik J.

Customer Testimonials

I tried for years to whiten my teeth but was always told it would damage my veneer. I was excited to find DaVinci and was extremely pleased with my results. My real teeth went from a 7 to a -1 and my Vaneer went from a 3 to a -1. I can't help but smile all the time! thank you DaVinci!!

Terra L.

Davinci Whitening has been awarded Best in Class 2013 by TeethWhiteningReviews.com

DaVinci Rochester, New York
(585) 733-3769

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